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Workforce Management Blog

Louis Flory

Louis Flory is the President for Effex Management Solutions, a company specializing in partnering with clients who require a large volume, contingent workforce. Louis began his career in the temporary staffing industry and after a short period, he realized there must be a better way to partner with clients, successfully fill their staffing needs, and greatly impact their production efficiency. With this mission in mind, he started Effex Management Solutions. Louis has been in the staffing and management industry for 16 years and in his spare time enjoys golf and playing sports with his two children.
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Recent Posts

What Your Contingent Worker Really Needs To Stay Loyal

Posted by Louis Flory

7/10/15 1:16 PM

Business owners and managers in many industries have come to realize the benefits that a contingent workforce can supply for their companies.

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Topics: Contingent Workforce Management, Contingent Workers

Can Kaizen Help My Contingent Workforce?

Posted by Louis Flory

6/22/15 6:30 AM

Kaizen is a concept that many companies have applied to their in-house workers. What some companies may not understand is how Kaizen can help businesses improve the way that they manage and direct their contingent workforce.

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Topics: Contingent Workforce Management, Workforce Management, Training Resources, Contingent employee development

Fostering a Contingent Worker Culture For Success

Posted by Louis Flory

5/19/15 6:30 AM

As more companies are faced with cyclical or seasonal changes in workforce demand, business managers are tasked with seeking appropriate responses.

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Topics: Contingent Workforce Management, Contingent Workers, Training Resources

The Rise of the Contingent Workforce

Posted by Louis Flory

4/21/15 6:30 AM

One of the biggest phenomena currently impacting companies across most industries is the increase in usage of contingent workers, otherwise known as temps, independent contractors, outsourced labor and the like.

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Topics: Contingent Workforce Management, Workforce Management, Contingent Workers

Is The Lack of Skilled Workers Hurting The Manufacturing Industry?

Posted by Louis Flory

4/15/15 10:55 AM

If you’re in the manufacturing industry, you may have already experienced the phenomenon reported by Accenture and The Manufacturing Institute in a recent study.

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Topics: Workforce Management, Contingent Workers, Industry News

Workforce Solutions: Behind The Traditional Staffing Model Curtain

Posted by Louis Flory

3/26/15 4:38 PM

For many companies, temporary labor solutions can seem like a valuable option for handling workforce deficiencies that need to be addressed sooner rather than later.

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Topics: Workforce Management

How Cell Phone Manufacturers Can Improve Production Levels

Posted by Louis Flory

3/9/15 1:44 PM

Cell phone manufacturers are businesses that must have sufficiently high levels of production if they wish to stay in business for a long time.

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Topics: Contingent Workforce Management, Production, Training Resources

Contingent Workforce Solutions To Focus On In 2015

Posted by Louis Flory

2/18/15 6:30 AM

Now that the typical winter holiday celebrations are behind us and a new year has begun.

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Topics: Contingent Workforce Management, Workforce Management, Contingent Workers

How The Largest Cell Phone Manufacturers Are Using Kaizen

Posted by Louis Flory

2/12/15 6:30 AM

Kaizen is a widespread practice of business process improvement with roots in post-WWII Japan.

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Topics: Training Resources, Contingent employee development

Why Your Quality Assurance Process Needs The Shewhart Cycle

Posted by Louis Flory

2/3/15 6:30 AM

The Shewhart Cycle can be valuable for all dimensions of business, from customer service to manufacturing efficiency.

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Topics: Production, Workforce Management, Training Resources