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Can Contingent Employee Development Programs Increase A Facilities Value

Posted by Louis Flory

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6/4/14 11:57 AM


More businesses than ever before are recognizing the value of using contingent employees: they provide flexibility, do not require a long-term commitment, and offer skills that can be tough to find in a company’s traditional workforce. Companies today are curious about contingent employee development and its place in their organization. Establishing a successful program for contingent employee development is extremely important for increasing the value of your facilities.

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Why Contingent Employee Development Is Important

Developing the skills of your contingent workforce is crucial because it will not only make them better at what they do, it will also make them more engaged with your company. In a post for Training Magazine from October of 2012, Lorri Freifeld writes that one of the top two factors for growing an organization's job satisfaction levels is career development opportunities. Development programs for contingent employees will make them happier and more driven to succeed in their work, which in turn increases the value of your facilities.

Creating A Successful Contingent Employee Development Program

In establishing a successful contingent employee development training policy, it is vital to ensure that you train these workers to match the productivity levels of full-time employees while also recognizing the differences between them and your permanent workforce. This requires the implementation of a training program that is specifically tailored for contingent employees. Training programs should bring contingent employees up to speed on important organizational skills while still respecting the unique way that they work.

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In an Oracle White Paper from 2010, it is suggested that contingent workers receive instruction about how their performance aligns with the goals of the company. The paper goes on to suggest that while they should be given training just like other employees at your company, you should also be considerate of the contingent employee’s unique working style, which may include working outside the traditional 9 to 5 schedule and working from remote locations. Communication is also very important to the establishment of an effective development program.

The Importance Of Communication In Developing Contingent Employees

When you are able to engage in an open dialogue with your contingent workers, you can make sure that everyone is on the same page. Setting expectations and discussing work objectives is an important element of developing contingent employees who can adapt to the style and attitude necessary for success within your organization. You should encourage your contingent workforce to come to you with any issues that they may have: always be open to talking about their developmental problems, or at least scheduling a time in the future to do so. Communicating that you are interested in the development of your contingent workforce will help engage these team members, resulting in a more productive facility for your business.

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Training programs are a critical part of developing your workforce. If you are looking to improve the value of your facilities by getting the best possible work that you can from your entire team, it is imperative that you create a contingent employee development program that is sensitive to their unique needs and will effectively bring them up to speed. Think about your organization’s requirements for contingent employees and analyze the specific abilities of your current contingent workers so that you can create development programs that serve everyone well and facilitate a successful relationship between these professionals and your business.

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Topics: Workforce Management, Contingent Workers, Contingent employee development